Back to the drawing board

Day 95

Today was all about planning and working on a strategy to get myself fit and start running again. Some three months ago i had decided to start running and now in these three months i find myself injured for the second time. So, i thought maybe it was time for me to get back to the drawing board and work on a plan.

My plans mainly include the basic stuffs again but most importantly i have identified key issues. The first is a schedule for my runs- i have not had one so far and have just run 3 miles most days and 5 miles on weekends. But i have drafted a running plan for the next 16 weeks and see what happens from there. The plan was drafted after a brief but informative research based on other runner’s experience.

The other thing i am looking forward to doing is changing my shoes. I think it is time now to get myself the some great runners shoes. I have so far been avoiding them thinking it was not the right time as i did not consider myself serious runner, yet. But i think i am one now and it is time i spent on good pair of running shoes.

For now, i wait for myself to get fit again and carry out the plans i have set for myself.

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